Erin Alon Brain
Erin Alon Brain is an author, illustrator and mixed media collage artist whose work has been featured on WOSU's Broad and High. She currently resides in Columbus, Ohio with one husband, two kids, two cats and a three-legged dog named Anakin. She is typically spotted driving carpool in an old Land Rover full of noisy children.…Read More
Erin Alon Brain is an author, illustrator and mixed media collage artist whose work has been featured on WOSU’s Broad and High. She currently resides in Columbus, Ohio with one husband, two kids, two cats and a three-legged dog named Anakin. She is typically spotted driving carpool in an old Land Rover full of noisy children. Epically is Erin’s third picture book. Other titles that Erin has created are Fun for Anyone! A Story About Standing Out, and Periwinkle and the Absolutely Dizzy-Dazzling Day! Check out her website: