Author Profiles

Ohio has a rich literary heritage as well as some wonderful contemporary authors. Learn more about them here! You can sort by various categories and see who has participated in our annual book festival by using the category search on the left, or search by keyword (including partial author names) by using the search field on the right.

  • You are searching within category(ies): 2024
  • You are searching for the keyword(s): mirtalipova
Photo of Dinara Mirtalipova

Dinara Mirtalipova

Dinara Mirtalipova is an award winning folk artist with big passion for folklore storytelling, modern children’s books, and classic fairytales. In her work Dinara uses bright primary color palette and embellishes her designs with bold folk floral patterns. Dinara is a traditional artist who paints by hand and prefers mediums like gouache and pencils on paper, printmaking and block printing.…Read More

Dinara Mirtalipova is an award winning folk artist with big passion for folklore storytelling, modern children’s books, and classic fairytales. In her work Dinara uses bright primary color palette and embellishes her designs with bold folk floral patterns. Dinara is a traditional artist who paints by hand and prefers mediums like gouache and pencils on paper, printmaking and block printing. Currently, Dinara is an Assistant Professor at the Cleveland Institute of Art where she teaches Illustration, and also paints away from her home studio in Northeast Ohio, working on collaborations and commissions.