Author Profiles

Ohio has a rich literary heritage as well as some wonderful contemporary authors. Learn more about them here! You can sort by various categories and see who has participated in our annual book festival by using the category search on the left, or search by keyword (including partial author names) by using the search field on the right.

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Photo of S.R.D. Harris

S.R.D. Harris

Author S.R.D. Harris has always been a reading fanatic! Ever since she was a young child and was featured in two children’s books, she has dreamed of becoming a published author. Through hard work and determination, she achieved that dream when she wrote and published her first book, Future Miss President. Harris co-writes with her youngest daughter, Camryn, and they currently have ten children’s books published and two more in production.…Read More

Author S.R.D. Harris has always been a reading fanatic! Ever since she was a young child and was featured in two children’s books, she has dreamed of becoming a published author. Through hard work and determination, she achieved that dream when she wrote and published her first book, Future Miss President. Harris co-writes with her youngest daughter, Camryn, and they currently have ten children’s books published and two more in production. Her mission is to write and publish high-quality, uplifting, empowering and diverse children’s books that will inspire a love of reading in all children! She has been featured on PBS/WOSU’s Broad & High TV Show (where you can listen here) and in many publications to date. Harris was honored as a Literacy Champion by Read for a Cause in April of 2021 and is a 2022/2023 and 2024 Ohioana Library Festival Featured Author. Harris and her husband have three daughters, and a rescued puppy named Gracie. Her fourth book Gracie’s Grace is in partnership with CHA Animal Shelter to benefit their mission to help homeless dogs and cats find loving homes. When they are not reading, writing, cooking, or traveling, they enjoy volunteering and giving back. They have donated hundreds of books to students all over Ohio and Harris enthusiastically visits schools to inspire and students! She believes all children can love reading if they connect with the right books for them. Her books are published internationally and can be found in local libraries and bookstores. You can follow her on her website and major social media channels @srdharrisbooks