Author Profiles

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Photo of Jessica Fries-Gaither

Jessica Fries-Gaither

Jessica Fries-Gaither is an award-winning author of books for children and teachers. Her writing introduces readers to the wonder of the natural world and the work of scientists, past and present. Her first children's book, Notable Notebooks: Scientists and Their Writings, was named an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12 by NSTA and the Children's Book Council and was read aboard the International Space Station by astronaut Joseph Acaba as part of the Story Time From Space program.…Read More

Jessica Fries-Gaither is an award-winning author of books for children and teachers. Her writing introduces readers to the wonder of the natural world and the work of scientists, past and present. Her first children’s book, Notable Notebooks: Scientists and Their Writings, was named an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12 by NSTA and the Children’s Book Council and was read aboard the International Space Station by astronaut Joseph Acaba as part of the Story Time From Space program. Exemplary Evidence: Scientists and Their Data, her second title, was also named an Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12. Her third picture book, Nature’s Rule Breakers: Creatures That Don’t Fit In, was published by Millbrook Press in October 2023. Jessica holds bachelor’s degrees in Biological Sciences (B.S.) and Anthropology (B.A.) and a Master’s in Education (M.Ed.) from the University of Notre Dame (Go Irish!). In addition to writing, she is the Science Department Chair and Lower School Science Specialist at Columbus School for Girls. She lives in Columbus, OH with her husband and four lovable but rambunctious dogs. She also enjoys reading, cooking and baking, and spending time outside. She is represented by Tricia Lawrence at Erin Murphy Literary Agency. Learn more at her website, and follow her on Facebook at, on Twitter and Instagram at @JessicaFGWrites, and on Blue Sky at