Author Profiles

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  • You are searching for the keyword(s): buettner
Photo of Gary Buettner

Gary Buettner

Gary Buettner (Bit-ner) has been writing spooky stories since junior high, but he’s been making up his own superheroes and stories since he was a little kid. Once, he even won a ten-speed bike by making up his own superhero for a contest on the back of a cereal box! Buettner studied creative writing in college at Indiana University, where he won awards for his stories.…Read More

Gary Buettner (Bit-ner) has been writing spooky stories since junior high, but he’s been making up his own superheroes and stories since he was a little kid. Once, he even won a ten-speed bike by making up his own superhero for a contest on the back of a cereal box! Buettner studied creative writing in college at Indiana University, where he won awards for his stories. Check out his website: